Monday 30 December 2013

another year over

As we head into 2014, there's one question on everyone's lips: Where is my jetpack?

Seriously though, aren't we supposed to be living on the moon by now? This is not the technicolour future I'd been hoping for.

On the plus side, we're still here, the world is still turning, and the human race hasn't managed to accidentally or intentionally snuff itself out (yet - there's still a day and a half to go, I suppose). There have been some ups and some downs, as is life, but we've got a bright shiny new year ahead of us, full of promise, and until we pop the seal on the Schrodinger's box of 2014 we have no idea what it may bring us. It's a lovely position to be in, with the coming year so alive with potential, and I'm sure it'll remain that way until we stumble out on the other side of the bank holiday and realise that the new year looks suspiciously similar to the old year.

But regardless, best wishes to you all for 2014, hope it brings you everything lovely in life. Including jetpacks, if at all possible.

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