Thursday 30 October 2008

something new from me

disregarding all sensible advice, i'm doing NaNo this year. I've been meaning to give it a try for three years now and keep finding reasons not to. So yeah, am giving it a go because i've got an idea i really want to work on but which probably won't stretch out to anything much longer than 50,000 words (even that may be pushing it, to be honest).

it's called SCREENSTALKER, and it's a horror/fantasy about a guy who lives inside movies and kills monsters for a living.

if anyone wants to have a lookie, i'll be posting it on the ScreenStalker blog. Chapters start 1st November.

let's see how it goes, yeah? :)

Friday 19 September 2008

curse you, blogger

nngn, just took me ten minutes to log in because blogger insisted my google account didn't exist... then wouldn't let me make another one because there was one already registered to my email. Which would be MY ACCOUNT. Curse these computers.

anyway, i has news!

Ghostwriter Publications sign new authors

in the top right hand corner there. SQUEEE.

Monday 8 September 2008

i made a fwend

went to the Guy N Smith Convention and made a bunch of fun new friends - amongst them Neil Jackson of Ghostwriter Publications. Yay, i am sociable schmoozing tart.

EDIT: Sadly, Ghostwriter Publications are now defunct. :( But the schmoozing was fun while it lasted.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

welcome welcome welcome to the big blue house

i'm only really creating a blog here in the hope it'll give me a friend page - i'm far too lazy to remember all these blogspot addresses. :)